Sunday, March 1, 2009

I saw a Shrink but drove him Crazy

I have a wicker chicken, and in it is scraps of paper from years ago. One old scrap has some scribbled budgeting with a company I haven't been with in years; on the back is some type of sketch of a building or something I can no longer identify. On the front I had written these words:

"When you get done telling me why it can't be done, then tell me how we're going to do it."

I see where my life is darn near predictable - I'm still doing the same thing. I've got a new puddle of these papers from the last two weeks, with 'What If?' sketches of beds and shelves and closets. A lot of it just morphed as I went along, and it's not completely done yet.

Since I'm creating as I go, a lot of it has been worked and reworked, cut down, evened up, revised, replaced, undone, redone. Yesterday I did this again - redefined the bed area so I could utilize the space above as a work table / storage / book area. I finally managed to get my 300-favorite books back in my room.

The psychological effect of having the books back is "okayness" even though the curtains and walls and other areas aren't finished. I think anyone designing a storm shelter should put some books in it. It's like having friends with you. Book-people understand this.

Now that I'm psychologically okay again in my space, I need to get on with other Life than fixing my room. I can say, despite the subzero temps, it's massively warmer in here. The 'foundation cold' used to leech in, slither across my feet, and slowly wrap itself up my legs in an icy grip. It'd strike upwards through the computer, chilling hands and arms, and I'd hover over the electric heater, often propping my feet on it.

My room looks like the inside of a Styrofoam cooler yet and the porch isn't done, but it's warmer and I have my books.

And all this started with a semester-break and stumbling over a huge quantity of Styrofoam at the right moment. Wonder what's next... AND - I'd rather be outside playing with rocks in mild weather. Knowing this, last fall I put a tarp over my rock pile, so even if the ground is still froze when the urge comes upon me, I can still move them around. I'm just waiting the weather to break. :)

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