Monday, October 26, 2009

What happened to Autumn?

It seems like the seasonal weather is warping out, and I'm looking for verification it's not 'just me'. I remember Minnesota autumns as crisp and dry, with a chill in the air and leaves crackling underfoot. Now it feels like Seattle weather - damp, soggy, gray.

This has been going on for about the last decade, where it seems we've been soggy more than not. Correct me if I'm wrong! I can recall the gray-soggy of 2000 autumn, and family members 'warped out with the weather' several years. Last year was miserably wet, this year is following the same pattern.

Wet, wet, wet. Can't hardly get the leaves raked, everything is soggy, and humidity continues to run high - today, about 80%. The forecast continues more gray-than-not. I checked October at, and there were 3 (THREE) days with a sun icon displayed - today being one, which might happen later this afternoon. The rest of this month is cloudy and soggy. The other two sunny days were spaced about 10 days apart on their calendar.


I remember my sister suffering from this weather-warp, and when I stopped by her place 'one gray, soggy autumn day'... She was trying to save a few cents on the electrical bill by using 40-watt bulbs. The grayness outside was mirrored inside, and if ever a person needs at least an illusion of light, it's when a month of no-sun is occurring! I think spending a few extra cents when your sanity is threatened is worth the expense. Our systems are much more in tune to nature than we acknowledge, and when the weather's dreary, we feel it. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Is anyone else (yo, Jim?) feeling this 'gray'? Can we produce Vitamin D in the rain? - or should we consider supplements? Are 'full-spectrum' lights in vogue because we're in this weather slump? Do we all need to take a trip to somewhere sunny? (That one perks my system! :) )

I'd appreciate feedback, because I don't think it's 'just me'.

What I do know is "I miss autumn."