Monday, January 26, 2009

Comment Posting, and random thoughts on society

Posting comments can be a little tricky here. If you follow through to the 'preview' link underneath, what it's trying to do is verify you're a person. It'll take you to a pop-up to do this, and provide an ounce of security. - thought you may want to know!

Here's a question to help determine if you should continue reading this blog:
Would you rather be a gypsy or an accountant?

Everyone who said gypsy - meet me 'round the fire!

I combined both in my life, but accounting frowns on creativity, it's fairly secure, and a lot of dull. (No offense to accountants, but there's a lack of excitement in the field.) Gypsy-mentality wants color and fire and never-no-mind to being socially proper, gold is for bangles that sing with the dance - not to stick in a vault somewhere and guarded.

If I had to choose, I'd rather have a gypsy befriending me than an accountant (though both is best). Accountant-mentality tends to frown at my improper ways and correct me... I've known several, and couldn't stay in their box for long.

How does one crunch a celebration of life into black and white numbers that 'balance out' without reducing 'the gypsy fire'?

HEY - I just realized - those of you who received a notice from me for this blog -- you all got gypsy streaks in you! :)

Wonder if this is why I named a goldfish 'Gypsy' in the last month: a recognition of my own spirit? Few gypsy folks would claim me either, but it's the approach towards life 'outside the box'. Val's a gypsy spirit too, and tough on adults while being sharp as a tack. I hate to see this spirit in her being overridden in her middlin' years. Conforming is fine when you know why and what you're doing, but don't embrace it thoughtlessly. "Think, dammit, think!" :)

This should be passed to our offspring - think for yourself, if it's in conflict with what's being presented, examine it deeply to see where the errors lie. Don't assume 99 out of 100 people must be right, otherwise you join the witch-hunters and flat-world thinkers that still exist.

(Addition - in case folks thinks this may be tapping on the 'offensive' list and someone may be shocked... Good lord, do they watch TV and the commercials that are on it? I'll assume there's unmentionables, yet these are so prevalent in society 'not-mentioning' the insanity appears to be our failure.)

I gotta carry this on to one of my pet peeve's, no offense to anyone. A few years ago, they came out with 'a water-filled bra', for that 'natural' feel. Sorry, that's exactly what was displayed on the commercials. Hello, in the most basic image, it's a bit like water balloons weighing down one's chest, in order to look seductive and 'feel natural'. Why would anyone want to do this? (Only time it seemed it may be worth considering would be filling with cold water on a hot day.) If 'he' really enjoys the feel of water balloons, then I suggest we create a line especially for him to wear. 'He' can delight in it all he wants and eliminate the middle-person. Any person who thinks these were a good idea does not belong in "Elaine's World" - please leave the premises now! (Now then, as secret stashes for arsenic and poisoned hat pins and vodka... "date control"? -- now it's practical!)

If mentioning this unmentionable is problematic, then -- what are we saying about the world we live in?

Sorry, that one irks me to no end. The message we're giving our daughters is to deceive in appearance, that you're not okay as you are, and you should bear the weight of these 'personal lacks' --- what??? The language that comes to mind is inappropiate here, suffice it to say our daughters deserve better, and better men wouldn't ask this, anyway. Anyone that endures an 18-hour style -- that's too damn long (really, leaves 6 hours for 'without'). If they were so great, men would be wearing them - that's why jeans happened. Let's free our daughters from social distortion and extortion. Life's tough enough without these personal insults.

It's getting worse - men are no longer okay either. "Trim your nose and ear hair, tidy your eyebrows" -- Christ wouldn't have been crucified if he'd tidied up his appearance and turned his voice down... MEN: you're okay, just keep personal hygiene on a tolerable level and replace a worn-out t-shirt that could be mistaken for an oil rag regularly. That we're in a society that would make an individual feel 'less than okay' by the hair on his head (or lack thereof) instead of the brains within it is a judgment on society.

Okay, so one man told me my greatest attraction was my hair. Not my brain - which would have elevated him in my opinion. Another didn't know if he wanted to meet me again "because he hadn't seen me with my coat off". Rest assured, I didn't want to see him again. He'd displayed a serious lack of brain matter and my interest was below zero.

That this is all socially-acceptable proves my point that society is the one that's warped, not the 1 in a 100 willing to question it. That's all I've got to say on this - for now. Terribly improper, ain't I, and plan to stay this way!

"Think, dammit, think!"

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