Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Awaiting Spring...

Dec. 31: I know. It's not yet January 1st, but visions of sunshine and green and birds and warm dance through my head...

I don't want to say I'm sick or tired of winter, because I don't want my gullible subconscious hearing, "Oh, she's sick and tired - we can do that!" Good chance we're all a little 'sick and tired' already, in that Vitamin D is sunshine / skin, and we're not exactly sunbathing here!

I thought maybe "I'm eager for spring" would be a better message. But absorbing this thought has me darn near hallucinating and we still have a few months to go. I won't torture you all with visions of green leaves, warm breezes, bird songs, blue skies - being outside without coats, able to sit down without being in a snowbank or frostbite.

Green grass. Sun on your skin.

My favorite 2012 prophecy, if all hell has to break loose, is the one where the earth wobbles on its axis and Minnesota becomes tropical. I hate to say I'm waiting for this event, but if things do need to collapse, landing in a more temperate climate has some appeal. Compared to living in a new Ice Age...

I just hauled the garbage can to the end of the drive. It's about 10 degrees out, windchill around zero and snowing. Sigh.

I should visit the MN Zoo. The plants and animals and corral reef - I should check to make sure it's all okay yet. Then I should make a list of things I'd like to have done "before spring comes"...

Jan. 4: I should have enjoyed that heat-wave. It's been close to 30 BELOW for three mornings straight, we're fighting to start cars and just 'being outside' could injure or kill quickly. The forecast is for a slight warm-up --- with snow --- and another round serious freezing by the end of the week.

There is a reason why, if we went into a solid Ice Age, I would refuse to survive long! On the bright side... lucky we got the snow cover before the subzero temps, or septic lines would be freezing up on folks. -- That's the best I can do as far as cheery weather goes.

Green grass... birds singing... warm sun on skin...

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget sweltering humidity, mosquitoes and your sweat soaked underwear riding up the crack of your ass.
