Thursday, May 28, 2009

Everything is Beautiful...

I was replaying The Celestine Prophesy tapes while I was driving. I love analyzing the intrigue and story lines that accompany spiritual insights in these. One section, in a garden, was discussing the beauty of things. You know those moments when something spectacular is before you, so much so you're mesmerized? A breath-taking sunrise from a mountain or lake (where you can sit still, not busy with traffic) qualifies as one.

"Everything is beautiful if we see it as such" was the main message, and in the seeing, we become expanded. Of course I was agreeing and a bit re-enchanted with this luminous vision, feeling all euphoric in a warm, cozy way. Of course me being me, I passed it on to the trees and plants and clouds and critters as I drove.

The day wound down and I went to bed, my mind still expanding this concept as sleep was approaching.

Then a large black spider ran across the shelf right next to my face, one of those aggressive-looking black spiders.

Instantly awake with a bit of fright, I knew I couldn't sleep well with the thought of a spider in the bed seeking dinner or taking a taste of a warm-blooded creature (me). Generally I have a catch-and-release jar in my room for such occasions, but the best I had was a small bottle. Fast little bugger, too, so it ran here & there while I tried not to squish while I saved it and me from night terrors.

Gave me the heebie-jeebies, even as I tossed it out the door back where it belonged.

Back in bed, where I belonged, my mind twisted me up with, "So everything's beautiful, hm?..."

Okay. I got the message. I couldn't find beauty in the spider or its appearance in the dark of night. I had admittedly tripped over myself. The opposing views within my head blended when I finally found The Beauty.

There is beauty in snuggling in bed without a spider.

That's the best I could do, but it works for me. :)


  1. Cosmic coincidence? I had to get up earlier than usual this morning to deal with yesterday's dinner. Soon after settling in with a section from the Sunday paper, as I usually do when driving the porcelain bus, I felt a little scurrying on my leg, as is usual from the ongoing ant invasions that we get this time of year. I just keep putting out the Terro until each tribe disappears, a cycle that repeats until July. So I look down to see a large black spider instead of the usual Mr. Ant. Instinctively brush it off and start to dispatch it with the Variety Section, but wait . . . here for free is nature's ant control to help me out. Besides, the bed is on the far side of the shanty and the only visitors I get at night are the dogs and cats.

  2. Hi Elaine,

    I can truly appreciate the "interruption" you must have felt. As I was reading your post, I was just floating along in your words. Then all of a sudden....EEKKK! I have a fear of spiders. Lol. Something I need to work on. Another note, I really enjoyed the Celestine Prophecy. Have a great day!

  3. Hello Elaine

    I can relate to listening to tapes while driving as this gives me such peace until I wish I could spend a little while longer driving. A few weeks ago our church had a guest speaker who spoke on the meaning of planting seeds. He made a point that if we dont plant we can not have a harvest. I recall my father making the same statements. As I was reading your post I could only discover the beauty in things I could not before. Whether rain or sunshine I can see beauty in almost everything. As I am beginning my day I am planting more seeds and looking forward to the beauty of harvest time.
