Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Universe Delivers...

Multitasking of late, working into the wee hours on final projects and pondering how to best use the two weeks before more classes start. In my world, 'two weeks' is a pretty good chunk of time. With the blogs from Jim on ceilings, and knowing my desire for finished walls, and fully admitting these ceilings are shot...

So what could I do on a nickel and prayer that'd be worthy for a two-week opening? I was contemplating these things when I took a break from the computer. I was on it until 3 a.m., and back on it at 8 a.m., but satisfied with what I'd gotten done by noon. 'Napping' is a kid's word, so I 'meditate' - by letting my mind roam where it will while my body takes a break.

It wandered to ceilings and walls, took an inventory of what is on hand, pushed the envelope of wacky ideas that may be feasible, and contemplated costs. Then it kicked me back out of bed.

I needed to multitask on some survey work and run through Towne, which had been nibbling in my brain all morning. Stopped by son Matt's to drop off some bread and visited a short time; one question from the 'meditation' was if I could borrow his truck when he takes a vacation. Then I wandered over to my other favorite used shop - recycled construction items and furniture.

The Universe timed it -- as I pulled up, there was a truck and trailer unloading a huge batch of 4-inch thick, 4 foot by 4 foot Styrofoam blocks. I was too dazzled to do Math well, so I asked them to hold 50 of them for me. :)

Then I called Sera for funds to cover it...

My room is 'the addition', which doesn't get full furnace heat or hold it well. I can beef up these walls and do the ceiling! Things are just coming together for it, so -. It'll be interesting? Seriously needs it, and I accept this Window of Opportunity!

- Current class projects will done done tomorrow.
- I can use Matt's truck without inconveniencing him.
- Styrofoam is LIGHT. I can appreciate that!
- Sera and Val will be staying at Matt's, so not home in the chaos for a week.
- Styrofoam is insulating, and I can appreciate that!
- I have some awesome curtains to put up when it's done...

It'll take a bit to get the finish on the inside, I'll have to play with electric outlets and move a lot of stuff around (read: tear the house up), but - it'll end good. One outlet is 'kind of loose' and tends to crackle when I use it, so I'll replace that and run the extra outside light from my room...

Before I start, I'll try to mail out my Christmas letters.

I suspected the shoveling was simply a way of getting me in shape for things to come, and it looks like they're coming! And I'm fully aware this type of product doesn't stay long at the recycling store and doesn't come in often.

This is 'my world'. Sometimes things just happen this way, and today was one of those gifted ones. "Windows" where you least expect them...

1 comment:

  1. Did I say 50?... I called them today and asked them to save another 30... Can think of 100 ways to use them... :)
