Sunday, February 22, 2009

Holy Kadiddle-hoppers!

I'm in the thick of it now. Luckily I'm not six feet tall, because adding 4 inches of Styrofoam to the floor meant I have a choice of three: cut the door down from the porch, cut the door jamb up to fit, or hang a curtain. Guess what my favorite option is?

Everything's piled in the kitchen and living room, so it's rather a mess. I bought the dogs hot dogs, decided I'd have two for lunch, and realized the only way to reach the microwave was to literally climb on top of a pile of stuff and crawl across the counter. Luckily I hadn't piled anything on that counter to wiggle around.

While I was making a mess anyway, I figured I may as well tear down the old ceiling tiles. Put up a sheet of new plastic, because it was, um, well aged - kind of like Swiss cheese. As I thought, when they added this room on, they ran the paneling backed against the original concrete block foundation without insulation or moisture barrier. Cold Infiltration! And probably shooting moisture right up into the ceiling.

Par for the course, I got caught on a couple dozen staples from the carpet and floor boards when I pried them up. Blood dripping everywhere, and do you think there's band-aids in the box labeled 'Band-aids' in the bathroom? Of course not, there's some ointment in it. Toilet-papered wrapped about five fingers and kept working. Then I stopped for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, went to lick the raspberry jelly off my hand, and realized - how would I know what was jelly? Determined it was time to wash my hands.

SOMEONE (ahem, Becky) sent me a check for Christmas so I could buy something 'for myself'. I did. A saw-zal. Today I cut up the edge of a desk and put the keyboard frame on it off my old computer desk. Yesterday I sawed Styrofoam with it. Now I'm going to go saw the door down to fit.

What?! Did you think I was going to mess with moving hinges around? They're a pain in the arse, and I can just whack the door bottom off to fit. If I do want to ever cut a door proper, I have my saw and can do it then. :)

So how's things in your world?

1 comment:

  1. I've got 12 years on my 'sawz-all' and it's still going strong. Seems that every year I find a new use for it. For instance, last year I found that nothing beats it for getting old tree stumps out of the yard.
