Friday, November 13, 2009

Borrowing money to pay bills, state-style

Question: How many of us have ever repaired our finances by borrowing money to pay bills? How many of us think this is a wise option?

I can say it hasn't worked well in my life, and yet Minnesota is planning to do this very thing. It seems "nobody has any money anymore" - but we've already wandered through that maze. The state will turn to the Fed and the ultimate simplicity - and foolishness - will result.

The answer is, "Make more money."

Problem is when we have the Fed's do this, we're at their mercy. What would happen if we just printed our own Minnesota Bucks? Non-interest bearing. That's the key part.

Sure, we'd have to use them for in-state trading, but dollars are passed around between us already. We'd have to do some thinking - that's the hard part - but the truth is the Fed is riding its own runaway debt. Most of them are in denial, but it seems to be almost a drug-induced high with hallucinations of flying forever... And if we know anything about drugs, the crash 'n burn of reality happens whether we're in denial or not.

Taking more drugs to try and maintain the glorious rush hasn't worked, either. The high can't be sustained indefinitely? "Making more money" - i.e. debt - on the Federal level is like continuing to inject the very poison that will destroy us. (Okay, think of heroin, and what an addict would do for another fix, regardless of the long-term cost.)

Keyword: long-term. Minnesota just plans on short-term borrowing to cover its debts. I can say, I've tried this, and it is a bit like our addict taking out a loan. Is anyone reading this willing to loan a heavy heroin user funds for today's high with the belief that somehow they can pay it back 'tomorrow'? Anyone trust their clear-headed view of 'reality' when it comes time to pay back?

If so, talk to me, I have a deal for you!

When we think more fully on where the nation is going at its own mad pace, it doesn't seem so silly to consider nesting our own Minnesota Bucks, kind of like methadone while we, as part of the addictive culture, get our shit together on reality. Hopefully before the plug is pulled on our supply line and we're all raving maniacs looking for a hit.

I may be wrong, wish I was, but - unfortunately - too often I'm right. Enough thinking people already see this, but most of them are not in politics or government.

Let's "Make more money", but let's get the Feds out of the picture.


  1. I'm with you. Our current so called governor has gotten away with his 'no new taxes' pledge by calling them 'fees' and then putting our future on shaky ground with other financial gimmicks that just push the problem into the future. And then he thinks he can put these hijinks onto a national scale by becoming our next president. Go figure. Laurie and I are now paying the price by having to go into Chapter 13 due to some of her massive medical bills (even with what's called our so called wonderful private heath insurance system), her unwise use of credit cards (which are now forever gone), and our mistaken support of her younger son's family by co-signing on their now in foreclosure house.

  2. Sorry to hear it, Jim, but don't be too hard on Laurie with c-cards. Those companies, at the top level, exist solely to lure in and screw as much of the population they can deceive. I doubt many of their employees actually understand the system, but the teeth are showing more and more. With more exhausted people failing to meet current payments, one of the new gimmicks is "charging a fee (about $20 a month) for NOT using the card"! -- If this doesn't seem criminal, then you're not paying attention...

    I'll try to put it another way. If Laurie's car broke down and she felt the need to be somewhere, say work or home, and took a ride from a kindly-looking stranger - even with a bit of trepidation but he offered her a safe ride like a trusted uncle with gov't sanctioned logo on his car - and in the process she was raped, would you blame her? (If every protective cell in your body doesn't jump to her defense in this scenario, I'll be seriously disappointed.)

    The credit-card ride is as violating as this uncle, and there is NO justification for "being screwed" - I don't care how naive or how a person was dressed - i.e. "asking for it" - there is no such thing as 'wise-trusting' this uncle. They're financial rapists blaming the victims and tend to be sanctioned in their claims.

    Okay, they really gall me, but maybe because "I took a ride, too"? Really hope you'll do me a huge favor and give Laurie a hug and tell her "It's not her fault. She didn't deserve it." No matter what her intentions were taking 'the financial ride'.

    It literally is 'financial rape' and has the same guilt and shame complexes attached to it, but we don't yet recognize this in our society. And it's hard to believe it of "our trusted uncle", especially when he has the red, white and blue hat on. This isn't the ride we expected or bought into, and I hope we'll eventually demand justice at the highest level against these vultures.

    I can count more people screwed than I can count not... and most of us feel 'somehow we were ASKING FOR IT' - the biggest defense claim of rapists!

    If there's a counter-argument to my conclusions, I can't fathom what it is. 'Financial rape' is as violating as any physical act, or even more so, because we still tend to blame the victims. Only by recognizing it by what it truly is can we begin to heal our own shattered images, and this is long struggle. (Been there, done that.)

    These crimes will continue to be played out on others as long as we 'excuse the uncle', for any reason. (Disbelief, respectable, upright community member, social icon, not so bad.) That we're gullible and vulnerable is not a crime, and we, as in society, shouldn't be punishing each other for it.

    We're being screwed individually and currently have no recourse on identifying the rapists and holding them accountable. There are no class-action lawsuits shutting down the c-companies, and as it is, our debt-based economy is dependent on us fuel it by "borrowing more".

    As usual, when the state borrows money, it'll be the citizens getting it in the rear... graphically caustic, but we'll be told to 'bend over for our own good' one way or the other, such as "fees" instead of "taxes" -- as if we HAVE any money!!

    This should be titled "The Legal Rape of America." But then, the rest of the world's taken the brunt of it a fairly long time, and it is "our uncle"...

    Rather than end this on a devastating note, I'll add that I believe a wise spiritual influence is forming beyond the horizon to help us reclaim our humanity and dignity. Just tend to think "2012" is too far off, and we should start uniting towards this goal now. :)

    Sorry so long, something must have resonated in me and triggered the response! I just wish a million million people globally would read and understand this message, then choose to act rather than submit. "We the People of the Planet are tired of being screwed."

    Imagine that! Hooray for us! :)

    It could happen?
