Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tip: Roll your Snowballs Downhill

Well, yes, since it was that heavy, slushy-type snow, I figured -- Why shovel? So I rolled. But once I had a 3-foot ball, I realized if it was inside the gate, with Dog Jake around, it'd be yellow in no time. So I rolled it back outside the gate; i.e. uphill. That's when logic hit me right between the eyes.

I am sane enough to think "2 hours of rigorous exercise in fresh air first thing in the morning" is irrational. Proven this morning by Sera getting stuck at the top of the drive because she doesn't believe in shoveling before she tries to make a run for it. I knew the little snow blower had gas in it (I'd been saving for 'a real need' day) and there goes the next few hours of 'rigorous exercise'. Wish one of those folks would contact me, I can supply them with plenty of muscular delight year-round.

Waiting for the plow to do our short road was an option, but yesterday he came by about 4 in the afternoon (while I was rolling balls around). Today's Payday. Talk about motivation? We won't say 'potential red at bank' if said paycheck did not get in today (she recklessly bought groceries last night on her way home). Problem was, the snow was about a foot deep, the soggy kind that stops small cars in their tracks. From the driveway to the neighbor's drive then past the mailboxes and up to the road - about 1/4 mile, mostly 'uphill' with the little snow blower choking up because of the heaviness of it.

Just wide enough for a single car, and I was tempted to actually measure this, but didn't. I did suggest that if her boss wanted to see her earlier on winter days, he might want to throw in a bonus of a 4-wheel drive.

Why does anyone PAY to exercise? I usually find I get plenty just living my life.

Will share advice from Sci-Fi channel. Survival tip #61: If every animal is running in the same direction, follow them! Agreed. Not the right time to stand around figuring out what's coming through the woods at you.

Sci-Fi 'Scare Tactics' is momentarily on while I blog, which leads me to this question: If a really big monster has grabbed your friend and seems intent on mutilating said friend, do you try to help or run like hell? This is called "Survival of the Fittest" and I see no reason for both of us to be mutilated. And it's a bad time to try to make friends with the Monster. From what I've seen on TV, usually trying to help only gets another person ripped to smithereens, and that doesn't do anybody any good.

I have bigger worries though. Sera fed me so much salad for dinner I'm worried the rabbits will attack me if I don't keep the dogs close. There's a movie of worth: Attack of the Killer Rabbits! Sure, they look cute, but did you ever try picking one up? Since Easter's coming, I'll add this advice: Don't put rabbit's foot key chains in the baskets. I found it causes unstable children.

Now to 'Get Serious'. I exercised, I played, I did a Midterm, and I shared a really weird video on Money as a Talisman with my class on religion, who were talking about "In God We Trust" on our money... some said it was no big deal since "God is all gods" -- but I think if we changed it to "In Allah We Trust," there'd be a massive uproar! I vote we do it just to get some shorts in a bind. :)

The video for weird-liking people is at and the connection to talismans is towards the end. I've already mentioned rabbit's foot, and we could extend it to crosses and rosary beads and statues of saints on dashes of cars and lucky coins.

I wonder what kind of feedback I'll get from sharing it? :)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting video. Neat origami and Masons conspiracy theory. Down south here we only got about an inch of heavy snow. So far. Very pretty on the trees.
